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Hygienic and independently proven safe1
Touch-free. HEPA-filtered.
No paper waste.
Proven to aerosolise no more than paper towels.2
Without the waste.

How the independent tests worked
Our objective was to see how many aerosols were generated by Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers compared to drying with paper towels, or washing but not drying.
Independent testing was carried out by Airmid Healthgroup in a controlled environment using a sink, paper towels, and Dyson Airblade W+D, dB, V and 9kJ hand dryers. Each experiment was carried out three times with paper towels and hand dryers being used in seperate experiments.
Results proved that each Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer had no significant impact on the surrounding air. This supports previous studies that they're as hygienic as paper towels.

What the independent tests showed
Proven to aerosolise no more than paper towels.2
Without the waste. -
Proven to have no significant impact on the surrounding air.2
What is aerosolisation?
Aerosolisation is the action of creating aerosols. Aerosols are tiny liquid or solid particles, or a mix of both, suspended in a gas (e.g. air).
Their composition can vary depending on how they are formed and may include bacteria or viruses. Aerosols can vary in size, for example they can be as small as 0.3 microns.
While larger, heavier particles tend to drop to the floor, these smaller particles are more likely to become suspended in the air – or 'aerosolised'. Aerosols are all around us.

Touch-free technology
Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers utilise sensor technology. Engineered for a touch-free, hygienic user experience.
These sensors are programmed to detect and automatically dry hands. So it allows users to maintain a distance between their hands and the machine.
Dyson Airblade Wash+Dry features infra-red LED sensors to automatically detect the hands for both washing and drying. To switch between wash and dry modes.
Dyson Airblade 9kJ features infra-red time-of-flight sensors to trigger HEPA-purified air and are designed for an optimal user experience.
Proven hygienic by independent testing
Proven in washrooms worldwide
Since the original Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer was released in 2006, they’ve been used by millions of people in washrooms around the world.
Although each machine carries a guarantee of five years, with proper maintenance they’re engineered to continue drying hands for much longer. And unlike paper towels, a Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer won't run out.